Thursday, May 13, 2010

RR Brakes

May 14, 2009

This is a short post. I had the right rear drum off to a) finally replace it, and b) hook up the right e-brake cable. Having done the other side already, this side was a snap.  I grabbed a shot of the brake guts, and if you look closely, you can see the new brake cable armouring at the bottom.
Also, if you look closely, you'll notice the rust scaling on the frame. It's not too bad, the passenger side (pictured) is better than the drivers side. This probably had a lot to do with the gas tank being on the other side, and nothing trapping moisture on this side. The only real way to fix this is to pull the body off the frame and sandblast it, yadda yadda. ugh, i don't want to do that, so the frame will remain rusty. I don't care about this particular jeep enough to devote that kind of time and money to it; maybe someday with a better candidate that cost a bit more than $250.
Here you can see all the nasty rust that has plagued this thing. By the looks of things, it has been bondoed more than once, and not for rust every time. there are a few "rusted" patched holes, and a few "dented" patches, indicating the lack of care somewhere in this vehicles life (I should call the 8 previous owners and see who's responsible).

All that rust there was beginning to bug me, to the point that i didnt think bondo'ing would be strong enough to hold that kind of a gap. My decision was (with little reluctance, because I like welding) to again grab the grinder and cut out the cancer. More to come on that.

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